Everyone has personal beliefs. Rarely, however, do we pause to consider specifically what we actually believe in. Nor, when we interact with others do we stop to consider the subtle interplay of beliefs; we tend to agree or disagree as if beliefs were binary. If we are ever to close the gap between our beliefs and those of others, we must have a better understanding of those beliefs.
I have more or less arbitrarily identified a baker’s dozen spectra that I find helpful in understanding my own beliefs and comparing those to the beliefs of others. When my wife and I compared our personal spectra we, after 50 years of marriage, had more than one ah-ha moment.
So, here I present the spectra, first as a grid, then followed by definitions or each polar end of each spectrum. Please first read the definitions. Many of the labels are freighted with baggage and prejudice. I try to avoid this by giving definitions that do not imply any value or judgement.
Give it a shot. Where do you fall?
The spectra grid:
Democratic: Organization and ruling of society derives from the governed
Authoritarian: Certain individuals or institutions have power
Socialist: The society, usually in the form of government, controls the means of production
Capitalist: Means of production and economy totally in response to the market for profit
Progressive: Society must change and progress.
Conservative: Society should allow little or no changes
Collectivism: Society’s interests are primary
Individualism: Individual interests are primary
Egalitarianism: Every individual is equal
Exceptionalism: Certain individuals should be allowed special consideration
Ideal: Every society and every individual should follow the dictates of their ideals
Pragmatic: Compromise is always necessary to ensure progress
Unstated Rules/Codified Rules
Unstated Rules: Do what is known or felt to be right
Codified Rules: Write everything down and go by the book
Support and Protect/Laissez Faire
Support and Protect: Society provides security through support and protection
Laissez Faire: Individuals are on their own, with complete freedom
Diversity: As diverse as possible
Conformity: As homogeneous as possible
Secular: Society organization and ruling specifically independent of religion
Spiritual: Society organization and ruling with appeal to a supreme entity
Social Contract/Natural Freedom
Social Contract: Enter into (stated or implied) social contract
Natural Freedom: Individuals owe one another nothing
Rural, Primitive/Urban, Technological
Rural, Primitive: Truly utopian society is only possible in a rural, agricultural milieu
Urban, Technological: Human nature requires the goals and motivation found only in an advanced industrial, technological society
Rights: If everyone enjoys the rights to which they are entitled, responsibilities will take care of themselves
Responsibilities: If everyone assumes their social responsibilities, the rights due all will happen